I'm currently planning a trip for 3 people - my 2 cousins and myself. Yay!

But we don't know where to go, hmph. Lor is going to start work as an official nurse on the 22nd, after which she can't get off for some time. So me and Char is here to be darlings and plan the trip just for her! 

One of our choices is Bangkok. But i'm hesitating, cause i'm afraid of the empty feeling that i'll get if i go there again. My first trip to Bangkok is with dcmd, so all the moments there are dcmd-ed. My pure Thai lecturer Sawanee Pornwisawaraksagul mentioned about this empty feeling that she had before too, it seems sad. Especially when we've graduated! 

So if we go there, instead of enjoying the trip, i will be like, oh.. this is where we had that massage.. oh! i remember blabla and blabla standing there.. gosh! How demoralising.. 

How how



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