When I was in De La Salle School (primary), I was in the William house. The other houses i remember was Lawrence, Paul, and Thomas. I still remember my house cheer vividly, haha. 

Lead: Williams all unite and show our might!
All: Williams all unite and show our might!
Lead: Show them how we people fight!
All: Show them how we peole fight!
Lead: We'll fight in the sun, we'll fight in the rain!
All: We'll fight in the sun, we'll fight in the rain!
Lead: We'll win this fight no matter what it takes!
All: We'll win this fight no matter what it takes!
All: We will, we will, rock you, rock you! (x3)

What fond memories.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Happen to see your blog. I remembered you had grad show? How did it go?

    And lastly i wanted to say is damn you still remember the cheer!?! Hahaha, I cant remember mine already tough. But Paul House still rocked! Hahahahaha



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