I finally got a chance to go into the premises of the army men. I'm so curious about what they do inside, how they live inside training almost everyday for 2 years! Such a rare chance, must bring camera along.

Thanks to Allan. He suddenly asked me if i'm free on that day cause everyone has to bring a partner. He's in the OCS, and their section planned this christmas party. But I think he regretted asking me, haha. It's definitely awkward if you ask an old flame to go to a social event with you right? I guess.. 

The girl on my left is really cute and sweet. She's the date of Allan's friend whom we picked up on the way there. Lucky we get along quite well and i can talk to her while he is hanging around with his army mates.

And this guy, he's so tall! When I saw him, i thought he looked really familiar. No wonder, he's one of the male models of Deal or No Deal and he's been on 8Days magazine and such. Handsome! Haha.

And this guy, he really really resembles Allan Wu. His built, features, and the way he walks and such spells out A-L-L-A-N W-U. Even his haircut. 

There's also the prize presentation. There's 4 platoons there. Allan was his platoon's best. Congratulations! :)

The log cake was huge.

Guys were the stars of the day. Girls were the photographers.

The world is really small. Nick Toh was also there. Sorry I didn't hear you when you wanted me to help you take picture, haha.

I was only taking picture of the roses that every girl gets. Then Nick complained that I was taking artistic pictures. Stop it, stop it! Haha funny guy!

- Bye-Bye -



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