It hasn't been very long. But I miss the good old days. I miss the good old (gone) studio, the good old (still alive and kicking!) people, the good old (only in my memory) laughter.

Gone were the days I felt there was another place I could call home. 

But if I could choose, I wouldn't turn back time. I'm gonna look forward; for somewhere out there is a place where I will no longer be floating in the air..

Oh gosh, what have I gotten myself into. 
I don't want all those awkwardness, and I need a better sense of judgement. T.T

p.s 오빠,안녕!
and thanks vvn for teaching me korean!~
and everything else korean!

(okay, that's as much as I know T.T)

(my newly compiled secret number hehee)



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