OOPS, i think i'm supposed to write a post about the chalet.

Now i forgot what i wanted to write about it. 
I just remember..

A lot of cycling and painful muscle aches.
A really nice and cosy chalet i'd like to go to again next time.
A very inspiring kitchen!
Chionging and chionging endlessly and painstakingly with Shermin. 
And remember her keep saying, "We're so ZAI!"
Strawberries and chocolate.
Comfy pyjamas and mattresses.
The hysterical and superbly entertaining King's Game. 
My horrific witnessing of two guys kissing
Wait, wait. I have to mention names. Justin and Marvin kissed.
Ok, maybe not really a real kiss.
Happiness in preparing breakfasts.
Shamefully thrown out of the chalet door. What did I do wrong??
Sleeping in the taxi home.
And waking up with the uncle telling me we couldn't find the durian stalls in geylang because we were wandering along the wrong street! 
I thought i was talking in my sleep.
But he was just listening to Nic and Jon's conversation, and didn't dared to cut in.
So he told me after they got off the taxi instead. 
What a funny uncle. 

And what a wonderful chalet i remembered.


  1. wall said...

    very very nice blog and entries (this and graduation)  


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