"The only people you need in your life are the ones who prove they need you in theirs."

I don't know from whom this originates from, but shermin probably does. I just saw this on her blog 2 days ago, suddenly quite taken aback. Cause i found myself thinking pretty hard about it since i saw it. 

I was thinking..
if that's the case.

Then i'm afraid i don't need anybody in my life..

What a shock.

Shock not because, seriously, i can't think of anybody who needed me in their life that badly. 
But rather, that i don't need anybody in my life.

I'm tempted to be egoistical about it and truly say, "yeah, i don't need anybody in my life."
But it'll be lying to myself if i really say that.

How do you live when there are nobody as your motivational factor to live life for?

At this point in time, just wanna declare that i am a little bit ttm. But i don't care because that's what the mind is for. Ttm really isn't a bad thing isn't it, its what you're thinking that counts.

So i shall say, I do need people in my life. These people are the current twinkling stars in my dark night. Some may shine a little brighter or less bright once in a while, so that i can't see them. But stars are still stars, no matter how brightly they shine. 

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.. 
How I wonder what you are..



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