This is one of the funniest show that i've ever watched. Real funny.. So funnee! It was produced in 1997 (12 years ago), which proves that oldies are still the best around. Someone was actually sleeping beside me (oops*), if not i would have laughed real hard. Watch and go rotf!

I only knew this today: rotf = rolling on the floor. :)


"rotf? erm..rot? rot-f?.. roft?? .... c'mon what is it!"


  1. Anonymous said...



  2. Anonymous said...

    XD, you're damnnnn hilarious! i keep laughin at your post. you know, i don't get the rofl or lmao thingy also!!!!

    wait, did you even know lmao existed????  

  3. Anonymous said...

    haha xd u know im not a funny person at all :D la-mao? what is that?!  


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