There's inds.

There's pdp.
There's gradshow.
There's christmas!
There's pdp.
There's inds.
There's 2009!
There's gradshow.
There's inds.
There's chinese new year!
There's gradshow!
There goes my poly life!

argh. Why are things happening so fast. I'm living my life like a blur. 
But in some way, its still exciting.

Nevertheless, yesterday night. My elder cousin was having night duties as nurse, my other two cousins were staying over at their friend's house. So at 11pm onwards, i was sitting on the sofa watching tv alone. My aunt and uncle were already in their room. I watched the recorded 'Little Nyonya' because i missed it on Friday. After that was done, i switched back to tv channel. The tv was tuned to History channel, and i didn't bother to switch channels. Good thing i was lazy, because there was an interesting show broadcasted at that time, around 1.30am. History channel was showing the documentary titled "How The Earth Was Made". I was intending to sleep already, but this documentary put that intention aside.  

I didn't buy the DVD, i saw it on History channel. It was 2 hours long, so by the time i saw it i already missed the first quarter. But it was interesting enough to make me sit on the sofa for the next 3 quarters of the show. Some things that provoked my mind:

  • No one can actually explain how water got into the Earth.
  • They can explain how the first water creatures and dinosaurs were formed, but not the first ancestors of mankind. 
  • Life was created and depleted on the Earth during many cycles of Earth's ever-changing ecosystem.
  • Which means human life may be depleted too, in the next cycle, if there is. 
  • Its amazingly impressive how the scientists discovered how the Earth was formed.
  • And being able to track the milestones of the changes way back to 4.5 billion years ago. 
  • Earth will eventually die one day, or it will transform again, and a new phase of life will begin again.  
Note: Some of the points above may be rubbish.
Then after that when i went to bed alone.. 
I dreamt of a very unique shoe design 
that i was wearing in my dream!  




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