How can anybody resist Ferrero Rocher?

Consisting of 'a whole roasted hazelnut encased in a thin wafer shell filled with nutella/ hazelnut cream and covered in milk chocolate and chopped hazelnuts',
it is so super-ultra-mega DELICIOUS!

If i don't gain weight and contract strep throat so easily, i would love to eat a single, precious ball of Ferrero Rocher every single day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! 

I'll chew it layer by layer: first the crunchy chopped hazelnuts covered with milk chocolate together with the crispy wafer, then let the nutella/ hazelnut cream melt in my mouth, and finally the super crunchy whole roasted hazelnut. Imagine Heaven~

No wonder i like hazelnuts and nutella.

Switzerland is not the country of chocolates. Italy is! Because Ferrero Rocher is founded in Italy. Okay, im going to grab a box the next time i go grocery shopping. :))



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