My dear little tote bag, you're found at last! I miss your convenience, portability, ruggedness, simplicity, and everything you can ask for in a tote bag. I just wished you had more compartments. But nevermind, as long as you're found, i'm happy. :D

Don't get lost again okay, you have a very forgetful owner. Make sure to follow her around everywhere when you return to her, understand?  

This was the last that i saw of you, at the salon before the wedding dinner. This picture is very important when i was trying to look for you, it is evidence that i might have forgotten to take you back from the salon. 

But your owner is not that bad, she did bring you back home. :) You were found yesterday at a sofa, suffocated underneath piles of pillows. You must look rather wrinkled after not getting enough oxygen for so many days. 

I must go to sleep now. I think i sound a little psychotic already. That's what happens when humans are still awake at 3 in the morning. Goodnight my dear little tote bag, I'll see you when my brother brings you back to me! :)



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