28 July 2010, Wednesday

but I'm totally loving it. Just look at the camaraderie of all those singers! It made me go "aww..." man. Reminds me of my old choir days which I would have very much enjoyed it more if I had better company and more action. I was active for the first year, before Red Cross came. Still remember the teacher giving me advice before I left the school for good; something about having (ahem) a good voice and hoping that I would continue to let music fill my life.

Organisations (locally and overseas) really made good use of music to raise funds for various causes. How can one not be stirred to contribute something after hearing songs being sung like that? It's immediately "aww... aww... ohmygod so nice... ok I will donate."

And cha-ching! Hopefully the donations really went to Haiti.

And this is the original recording of the song for Africa 25 years ago. Also got feel~ If you watched both videos, you'll notice that for the first recording, the artistes have to share the microphones (if that's what they're called). While for the recording done this year, the artistes seem to have their own studio recording space and microphones, despite the fact that the number of artistes involved had doubled.

It may not be a funny thing to you. But when I noticed that, I just want to laugh. Just so you know. :)

Cause sometimes the things that I find very funny and start to laugh, the people beside me may not feel so. And I'll end up laughing by myself... :)


  1. Fenni said...

    It's not a lil that slow, it super super slow lah!!!!  

  2. Fenni said...

    LOL (I'm so bored)  


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