Duck: Quack! 

Me: Yeah. Hello.

Duck: Quack Quaack??

Me: I'm good. How about you?

Duck: Quuack! Quu.. Quack Quack Qua.. Quack??

Me: Well, nothing much really. Just a little bit of dreading school and too much of wanting to be at another place instead. By the way, its the start of the planning of another whole new gradshow here. 

Duck: Quuu.. Quack Quackk! Quack-Quaaa? Quack Quack Qua Quack!!

Me: Aww no Ducky, I'm not excited at all. Just gonna sit back and watch everything unfold itself again. I bet it's not gonna be anywhere half as fun as Birth anyway. I shall do my own thangg! Now that's exciting. 

Duck: Quaack! Qu-Quacck Quack!

Me: Yeah, that's awesome of you. Christmas is coming too, then 2010 will come very soon after. Can't wait. Any presents for you?

Duck: Qua-Qua-Qua! Quu... Quack! Quuacckk!! Qu-Quuu!

Me: Haha! Waterproof stockings? You're hilarious Ducky. Alright then, waterproof stockings for Ducky, check. 

Duck: Quack!! Quack Quaack!

Me: You're welcome. I have to go, there are ideas for paper promotion that i have to think about amongst many other things. Let me know if you have any ideas?

Duck: Quuack Quaack! Quu Quack Quaack Quuu~~

Me: Hehe. Thanks for being here and there randomly too. Talk to you again soon. Bye!

Duck: Qu-Qu Quackk!


  1. Anonymous said...

    qiceeee.. LOL



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