I have never went to a birthday party where the birthday boy or girl cooks for the guests. Thanks for your invitation Heidi!~ I think it is one of my best dinners. 

Heidi is one of the assistant chefs at Glace. She just completed the patisserie course at Le Cordon Bleu de Sydney before she came to Glace. And she enjoys cooking. She can cook up things like (below) salad spaghetti, maki sushi, honey mustard baked chicken and sweet sour prawns. And she's 20 years old this year.

And I'm like, 20 this year too? 
And what can I cook? 
Ahaha blaaa.....

I found out that bacon-wrapped asparagus is delicious. And Heidi's food is really really good. I'm a happy eater!~

Glace's ideal team. The camaraderie that we have, - awesome. And here comes the most beautiful thing in the party other than Heidi and her food and her dog ---------

Chef Yamashita's cake for Heidi!

While we were sitting and chatting at the front 'yard' of Heidi's house, Grace, Ah Jie and Wei Loon talked about their life at 20. Since Heidi and I are experiencing our 20 at present, we just let our ears do the listening.   

Then I was thinking, what am I doing at 20?
I haven't gone to the school I wanted.
I haven't learned the things that I yearned to. 
I haven't gone traveling alone. 
I haven't done so many, many things.

But then again,
I  have went to the course I wanted.
I have learned the things I didn't expect to.
I have taken the aeroplane alone.
I have done rather many things.

But it's not enough...




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