Love ain't easy. Hence I think.. brave people fall in love. And truly brave people truly fall in love. 

You may have just gotten into a relationship..
or you are on your way into a relationship..
or you may have just got out of a relationship..
or you are on your way to get out of a relationship..
or you are still in the same relationship..
or you have gotten out and gotten back in the same relationship..

Whatever it is, if you had been, or are in any of the positions mentioned.. you were once brave, or you are brave. I was once brave. :)

So you, you, and you, and myself, we must aja aja fighting! And be brave yea.~

"Happiness lies ahead of you. If you only look back, you will never be happy."


  1. torchsingers said...

    ok i will so look up to the future! heeeeeee.  


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