I wasn't planning to create another post anytime soon but out of boredom i just clicked on the 'New Post' - and voila! - Blogger is remarkably normal. No missing buttons, weird alignments. (This problem is apparently due to Singnet users - and so far the problem is only solved for ie and firefox).

I'm not bothered by it much, but since it is normal at the time when i am typing this, i just decided to upload a random picture. 

*Props a book open*
"Once upon a time, when everyone around her seems to have gone high tech and owns a personal space online called BLOG, a stubborn girl remains stubborn and insists that blogs create little but troubles (due to witnessing blog-to-blog dramas).

Therefore, for many years since the revolution of internet up till last year in 2008, nothing has given her a reason to set up a blog, just like the rest of mankind. 

Nothing, up till when a lazy afternoon arrives in 5 November, 2008.

It was a sunny day outside. All afternoon only one thing had crossed the girl's mind; I am soo bored.

Now, this boredom was very unlike previous boredom she experienced. If not things might have happened earlier. This particular boredom - lets call it The Ultimate Boredom - contained soo much boredom, that it gave her a reason to do something that she never gave any thought to for years - that is, to create a blog. 

And so the girl created a blog for the first time (or so she thought), and thought, Now I need to name the blog, sheesh. How uninteresting.

For a long time nothing hits. She decided to just forget it and starts to slide down the chair she was sitting on, tilting her head up to stare at the ceiling. Her common asian eyes were darting vertically up halfway when something along the track pauses the motion. 

This was what she saw:

Oh yes, the HSM3 postcards are either childishly unappealing to a certain crowd, or they can be inspiringly must-put-ups to another audience like the girl. So there it is!

Good thing the biggest poster on the left is in red, even if it is a little faded, if not she could have totally missed it. Then she climbed on the chair, peeled the top half of the Canon newspaper cutout, and read The Natural Cause of Things.


And the lazy afternoon ended with a lazy way for the girl to find a name for a new blog.
And the girl realized boredom can lead to new things. Not just boredom. But,

The Ultimate Boredom. (dooms)

- The (Lazy) End - "

*Shuts book promptly*

p/s: Based on a true story.



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