I have been collating these for weeks...! hehee
1. Bella Seven's mosaics photostream - she found all these awesome pictures and mosaic-ed them together! Can i have those umbrellas and doors and luggage. Huuu

2. Bespoke wallpaper panels by Helen Brankin

3. Burberry's new face - !! Aww.. i keep looking at Emma Watson whenever i walk past the posters.

4. Teen Vogue photoshoot - Everything is perfect! I love the clothes.

5. Knee-length socks by Hansel from Basel - Vvn was wearing socks like these recently! Whee~

6. A house in Nagoya, Japan by Suppose Design Office

7. The Sartorialist - Publication! I hope it appears on my bedside one miracle day.

8. Zara - worn by Park and Cube - I realize i have bought only a few stuff by zara, but they last me very long! 

9. Little girl with striped pullover - omg she is so cute.. next time i will take pictures of my baby this way too hehe! 

10. Works by Sasa Antic - she's a stylist. and these are some of her works. so nice~ hmm i think i will love doing a stylist's job. 




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