.. Dinner & Dance after attending CADC's 2 or 3 years ago.

Then came along School of Design's First (going to be) Annual Dinner & Dance. To be honest, I wasn't very keen to go at first. Still, I'm glad i was there. Especially for the after-party. 

Thanks to the company. And the food of course. How can I miss out the tender salmon rolls.. sotong paste.. beef meatballs.. chocolate almond cake.. pandan cake.. tiramisu..... i am visualising somebody saying "Eat somemore, so fat already still want to eat" already. Sigh. I love food.

Recently I realised I am not a Singaporean after all. I do not hold a blue IC. I will not be looking forward to October.  


  1. XIONG DI said...

    xd, singaporeans do not hold blue ICs. they hold PINK ones dear.  

  2. stefany said...

    haha i know! im actually referring to permanent residents.  


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