Yay Yay Yay~ I watched it already~ I watched it already~ *Dance like Kim Sam Soon*
There's so much more humor for this installment. The director of photography is a genius. Hermione is beautiful. Ron is so hilarious I wish he was my best friend. Harry is getting more serious. I want to be a British for 9 months. I want to go to London.

These few days I feel so nothing-to-do till I feel like blogging and blogging. My hands are so impatient they want to keep typing and typing and typing and typing.. 

I just started school for the second week but it doesn't feel like school at all. I don't have classes everyday, the design studio is nothing like Hive and I'm still trying hard not to isolate myself from new people. Even went mambo with Apb and Vvn on a school night. I feel rebellious! ha! Somehow my new classmate who happen to be Daryl Dino's friend can tell that I miss DCMD. 

Maybe this isn't the right move. Maybe I should get a job first. Or maybe I should venture overseas to study too. I have the same worries as u apb, what will happen when my closest friends slowly start to move on with their new phase of lives? Keeping in touch with friends is the so important thing that I am failing at.. just because technology is not my favorite thing. And just because I am the most boring person I should get kicked out of the planet and out of outer space. It's true. It's so unfair. I want my friends too.

I'm sorry for vomiting these negative things out. I promise to be myself soon. I'm such a lousy person these days. :(

Thank goodness I still have a darling. Love yaa!



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