It was early in the morning. I am walking on a cemented pathway that leads to a door. I reached out my right hand to twist the door knob, and a familiar classroom came into view.. 

School is starting soon again.  

I'm going to RMIT. At Aussie! Yay! In my dreams.
I'm going to RMIT. At Clementi! That's closer to the fact. 
Nevermind, still can dream that I'm in Aussie in the classroom..

The lecturer has amazingly long pale blonde hair and pink freckles.
My classmate sitting beside me is an Efron-lookalike.
A hummingbird is sitting on the windowsill on my other side.
Bright orange leaves swayed in the air as autumn ends and winter comes..

*Dream burst*

So far my friends have been telling me doubtful things about SIM.
And they're not encouraging it.
Nevermind, got in already. 
Huu.. I'm not prepared to meet new classmates..



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