I guess its a happy thing for most people. Yay, graduated!
Sawanee is wonderful, no joke. 

The sunflowers, so big and pretty! Aw.. :) Thanks for your friendship girl!

Vivienne. Don't know if its mutual, but i feel abit of a connection with her. I seem to find a couple of similarities between us..
Sok Hwee and Si Hui. I wish I could have known them better. 
Justin. The pride of DCMD. 
Audrey. Beautiful girl, inside out. Impossibly helpful.
I want to remember my classmates.

Jon Wee. Thank you for everything! :) The most enthusiastic and easygoing guy i've met.

Azhar and Shirlynn. Thank you very much. :)

Lester. No you, no advertising workshop winner. No you, no Batey. I would have missed out so much! Thanks buddy. :)

Nicholas. Apb. I don't know what to say. He bring me joy, bring me horror, but I still like him anyway. Everyone does. :) I can't imagine DCMD without him. 

Marvin. Smile properly please, haha. 

Yes, we graduated together! My forever sisters, I'll always love them, no matter what.

Darn. Char, I know you have very shapely, endless legs. Stop showing off in front of me! 

From left: Future retail shop owner and beautician, Future tourism professional and family peacemaker, Future aspiring nurse and entrepreneur, Future lone ranger, Future pilot.

I won't have a home and family in Singapore if it weren't for eryi, yizhang. Remember that, Stef. I will.

And our future graduates!

Yes, yes. Learning is a lifelong thing. Happy graduation! :)



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