They always say when a door closes, another new door will open for you. 

The doors that are closed for me for the past few weeks are,
almost no access to the internet,
decreased family warmth (I have a big family), 
and little social life (even though i daresay i already have a very small social circle).

Oh, and less freedom in eating after one of the little monster wisdom tooth was finally removed.
Only one more to go. 

Thankfully, a few other doors opened. 
A refreshing sense of serenity and independence,
no more late nights,
and a little part-time escapade i look forward to four times a week.
and which I am so grateful to be able to go there.

And thank you, Khuii, for voluntary lending me your series of Stephenie Meyers all at a time. 
It was a pleasant surprise in this period of time. Doomo Arigato Gozaimasu!

I feel like laughing and crying. This is such an unpredictable world!


  1. kenwong37 said...

    Hi Stefany!!!
    Mr Ken Wong here!!!  

  2. Enjoys daydreaming. said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. stefany said...

    omg. hi mr wong! loong time no see..  


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