I don't know why, i suddenly feel like introducing my family, haha. My family in Singapore, that is, not my biological family, whom perhaps i will introduce them in the future. Here goes:

This is my aunt and uncle. My aunt is my mother's elder sister, so i've been staying with them since i came to Singapore close to 14 years ago. They have 3 children - all girls, and we grew up together. Hmm, sounds like a kampong story. Haha

Her name is Loretta. She's the first daughter, my elder cousin. We were in the same secondary school, and she was the one who urged me to join Red Cross in Sec 2. She has always been good at leadership, very hardworking. We're the well-known cousins then, same cca, same house (blue house - Gumption). I think she'll be a great nurse in the future. :) 

The second daughter, Charline. We're of the same age, so when we were young we're always dressed like twins. She's a good listener, you can talk to her about anything! Anyway, she used to be shorter than me. Until secondary school when she joined basketball and badminton while i joined choir and red cross, she grew much taller! Shoots, i should have joined netball. Jump jump!

Get what i mean when i said dressed like twins? So flowery! :)

She is my nightmare. Just joking! Her name is Geraldine, the youngest daughter. She is always ranting about wanting a dog when we already have so many hamsters at home! Still, i would love to have a dog, too. :) But she has this nasty habit of taking un-glam pictures of me.

Goodness, scroll down!

So, this is my family. Thank you. :)



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