We had our Birth09 photoshoot yesterday. 

It suddenly dawned on me that we are all really graduating soon, no joke. These 3 years had really passed very fast, and it seemed like yesterday that I was choosing which course and poly to go to. Getting into dcmd had changed my life. It will always remain as an important milestone. :)

Then i was thinking, whats next? What am i going to do after graduating? Where would i end up? My dream life is to live by the sea, or have a little cottage some place close to nature. I don't want the hustle and bustle of city life, I don't want the fast paced footsteps of people walking on the streets like zombies. I want true self, true happiness, and true relationships. If i can do anything i want i would go to paris and learn the art of pastry making, and be a patissier. And i will travel. Then i got some sense knocked into me and i realised that reality does not allow me to do that. Maybe not for now. 

When i did the dcmd: class of '09 book for EDS, and the experimental part was for us to meet up again after 7 years to reminisce the times we had in dcmd, it wasn't a joke either. Haha im not a very jokey person, am i? No worries, i do joke! :) I really hope that it will happen. Just the thought of imagining what our lives would be 7 years from now, it is still a blur to me. I'm quite scared actually, really. 

Thank you everybody, especially to the people who are in charge of this massive photoshoot, and also who helped out in the video-making, robes, food, and the coordinating of things, and out-of-the-world lecturers. I don't want to list any names, in case i left out anybody! Most importantly, to Alex from Wizards of Light!  Ok, maybe just this one name. 




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