Many people may think that i am trying to be a kiddo, but i really do like High School Musical!

If it really is that kiddish, why are the casts made up of 19 and 20 year olds teenage actors and actresses, who look fabulous, who would probably not want to be involved in the production if they think it is kiddish, and people - the fans, the paparazzi, tabloids, can't get enough of them? Not that i can't get enough of them, haha. Even so, nobody can deny the fact that the show has changed the lives of children and adults likewise. And such powerful, positive influences of their spirit is definitely something to applaud for. 

Nevertheless, this post is not to announce to the world my admiration for HSM, but for something more... realistic. :)

I have this overwhelming feeling when i saw my friends and coursemates wearing the graduation robe. It makes me think of the HSM spirit. The togetherness, that we're all in this together. That's probably why i may be a little more excited than usual during the photoshoots. The songs just keep popping up in my head, i feel like dancing around the whole studio and blasting the rhythm on their cd player. Its wonderful, why am i not a part of HSM? Why am i not in Salt Lake City rehearsing the dance moves and vocals and moving around at East High? More people should take a look at the song lyrics - there's stories within them. 

Pardon the daydreaming. :)

This particular art direction is so similar to the photoshoots for my eds. It still wasn't out yet during eds period. Me and HSM director Kenny Ortega has similar thinking! >.<



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